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  • Demography
    • Fertility rate which is the amount of women who are of child bearing age, 15-44.
      • More women are remaining childless than before. also women are postponing having children.
    • Birth rate is the number of live births a year per 1000 of the population.
      • The birth rate has dropped a lot recently due to various reasons like:                             -Changes in postion of women                        -Acccess to contraception                -Easier accsess to divorce                       -changing attitudes to family life.
      • The birth rate has also dropped due to childrenn becominga n economic liability as, laws banning child labour and compulsaty schooliing means children remain depentant on parents longer. Even the cost of bringing up children is a lot higher than it used to be.
      • Child centerdness is now a common reason for havin fewer children as people now see that if they have fewer kids then they can focus there attention more. it is ike quantity to quality.
    • Infant mortality rate is the number of infants who die before there first birthday per 1000.
      • The IMR has dropped over recent years due to various reasons including: Better nutrition, Better healthcare, Moe hygiene, Improved knowledge.
    • Death rate, since the 1900 the death rate has fallen dramaticly, giving us an agieng population.
      • The death rate has fallen due to; medical improvments as now we can cure dieseses that we couldnt in the past, better nutrition means that people are eating healthier meals. There have also been public health improvements like better water, improved sewage and better ventilated homes.
        • With this fall in the death rate we now have an ageing population due to: Increasing life expectancey, Declining infant mortality rate and the declining fertility rate.
          • if we have an aging population it means that older people will consume more of the public service like free healthcare and social care. This also means that there are going to be more one pensioner households.
            • The dependancy ratio will be a result of this as if tjere are more older people then the government will nt be able to afford all of taxes, so all the taxpayers will have to pay for the older peples free public services.
    • Immigration is when someone cmes into the country.
      • This was not a problem for britain until the 1950 whenmore immigrants started to arrive in the uk and it became a more diverse society
    • Migration is the number of people leaving the country
      • this is cause by two main factor push and pull.
        • Pull factors are better jos higher wage.
        • Push factors are things like economic ressecion and unemployment or low wage.
      • In the uk most people migrated when there labour shortages in the desination countries, but wth the poor performance of the british econonmy it meant that more people had a reason to migrate
  • Birth rate is the number of live births a year per 1000 of the population.
    • The birth rate has dropped a lot recently due to various reasons like:                             -Changes in postion of women                        -Acccess to contraception                -Easier accsess to divorce                       -changing attitudes to family life.
    • The birth rate has also dropped due to childrenn becominga n economic liability as, laws banning child labour and compulsaty schooliing means children remain depentant on parents longer. Even the cost of bringing up children is a lot higher than it used to be.
    • Child centerdness is now a common reason for havin fewer children as people now see that if they have fewer kids then they can focus there attention more. it is ike quantity to quality.
  • The death rate has fallen due to; medical improvments as now we can cure dieseses that we couldnt in the past, better nutrition means that people are eating healthier meals. There have also been public health improvements like better water, improved sewage and better ventilated homes.
    • With this fall in the death rate we now have an ageing population due to: Increasing life expectancey, Declining infant mortality rate and the declining fertility rate.
      • if we have an aging population it means that older people will consume more of the public service like free healthcare and social care. This also means that there are going to be more one pensioner households.
        • The dependancy ratio will be a result of this as if tjere are more older people then the government will nt be able to afford all of taxes, so all the taxpayers will have to pay for the older peples free public services.


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