Definitions of abnormality

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  • Definitions of abnormality
    • Deviation of social norms
      • Draw line between what societies have acceptable behaviour and which is seen as undesirable
      • Abnormal behaviour is visible to others. It helps us identify people who need help so we can support them
      • It adapts to age. A toddler who bitter another small toddler is naughty but an adult who bitter another is abnormal
      • Some people want to stay abnormal and unique so they stay away from social norms
    • Deviation mental health
      • Marie Jahoda
        • Suggested 6 common categories for mental health
          • 1. We are symptom free
          • 2. We are rational
          • 3. We are self-actualized  (we have achieved our potential)
          • 4. We are unstressed
          • 5. We are realistic
          • 6. We have good self esteem
      • It's positive as it can be used to set goals for a person to achieve
      • It's a holistic approach as it looks at many variables
      • An individual cannot achieve these characteristic all the time but we would not say we are abnormal. So the defenition cannot truly identify those who are abnormal
    • Deviation of statistical norms
      • Can be used to plot anyone's results on any test against the norm of that behavior
      • It can be used to measure the normal development of children
      • It uses an objective point of two standard deviations to define abnormal
      • Some abnormal behaviour is desirable such as a genius level IQ
    • Failure to function adequately
      • When an individual is unable to cope with an ordinary life
        • Personal distress-feeling upset
        • Manipulative behaviour-behaving odly
      • This puts the personal experience of the client at heart
      • GAF scale can be used to access the severity of the condition
      • Sometimes it's normal to be distressed for example after berevement


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