Crime and Punishment: Early Modern (1500-1750)

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  • crime
    • Early Modern (1500-1750)
      • punishments
        • shaming
          • public humiliation
          • stocks
          • pillory
          • cucking/ducking stools
          • scold's bridle
        • prisons
          • debtors
          • awaiting trial
        • bloody code
          • increased crimes punishable by death
          • 200 by 1820
        • bridewells
          • hard labour
          • vagrancy
          • house of correction
        • capital punishment
          • hanging
          • hanging, drawing and quartering
      • law enforcement
        • similar to medieval
          • assizes, (serious)
          • quarter sessions (JPs)
          • petty sessions (JPs)
          • manor courts declined
          • Church courts (moral)
    • highway robbery
      • no banks, rich people travelled with money
      • unlit roads, very violent
      • glamourized by Victorians
      • cut off a woman's tongue
    • smuggling
      • at night, by sea
      • Lord funded it
      • to avoid import tax
      • locals involved
      • could be violent
    • moral
      • adultery
      • not going to Church
      • drinking
      • gambling
      • sex before marriage
      • fighting
    • witchcraft
      • associated the devil with women
      • usually after failed harvests
      • fear and anger led to accusations
      • persecuted by Puritans
    • vagrancy
      • pamphlets scared people
      • seen as criminals
      • travelled in 2s or 3s


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