Key Theorists - Crime and Deviance

  • Created by: Kristina_
  • Created on: 27-01-17 11:11
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  • Key theorists
    • Post-Modernism
      • HENRY & MILONANOVI crime should include the idea of harm: reduction - where power is used to cause a victim injury and repression - where power is used to restrict human development
    • Functionalists
      • DURKHEIM Crime is inevitable and is beneficial because it acts as a deterrent and creates  boundary setting
      • COHEN   crime is a harmless expression of  discontent and outlet for frustration
    • Marxists
      • CROALL claims WCC is treated leniently because it is less visible
      • PEARCE  found the RC using gang crime to benefit themselves (e.g. Ford in the 1920s)
      • QUINNEY  claims that capitalism is crimogenic
      • CHAMBLISS  claims that the CJS target the WC so the law is enforced selectively
    • Right Realists
      • MURRAY identified an underclass which have criminal values that are normalised. Murray blamed a generous Welfare State for making the underclass happy to claim benefits
      • HIRSCHI claimed the underclass commit crime because they lack control, commitment and belief
      • WILSON claimed that crime is caused by incivilities in deprived areas which, if undealt with wil give the impression that 'anything goes'
    • Interactionists
      • BECKER explored how powerful groups have the power to label weaker groups as criminal
      • LEMERT identified primary and secondary deviance - secondary deviance produces a social reaction, prejudice and discrimination
      • COHEN identified how moral panics influences perceptions of crime
    • Left Realists
      • LEA & YOUNG proposed Social and Community Crime Prevention which aimed to improved the life chances of the less advantaged
    • Neo-Marxists
      • WILLIS      found that 'the lads' who were WC boys actively formed an *** to resist dominant values
      • CLARKE    skin head culture was an active form of resistance and was a way of gaining status identity and belonging
      • STYLES explored the meaning of subcultures and found that they represent a challenge and protest
      • HALL   explored how the elite use the media to benefit themselves through a moral panic
    • Subcultural theorists
      • COHEN    claims that groups of a disadvantage join gangs as a way of gaining status, identity and belonging
      • MILLER         claims that crime and deviance are a consequence of WC values
      • CLOUARD &    OHLIN       the type of subculture will depend on the illigitimate opportunities structures
      • MATZA identified drift, subterranean values and techniques of justification to explain criminal subcultures
    • Ecological theorists
      • SUTHERLAN people from deprived areas associate with criminals and therefore turn criminal as they don't see it as morally wrong
      • MARSHALL explored how people from sink estates become criminal - Claims the government failed to deal with major social problems such as poverty and lack of jobs in their areas
      • SHAW & MCKAY    claimed that cities have distinct zones with their own values and character
      • HOBBS explored the Night Time Economy and found that 75% of violent crime occurred between 9pm-3am


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