covalent bonding

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  • Covalent bonding
    • Covalent bonding is a shared pair of electrons
    • They only share the electrons in their outer shells
      • This way they feel they have a full outer shell which makes them happy
      • The full outer shell gives them the same structure of a noble gas
    • Covalent bonds provide one extra shared electron for each atom
    • The atoms form very strong covalent bonds
      • In contrast the intermolecular forces are very very weak
        • Because the  intermolecular forces are weak, this means they have low melting and boiling points
          • This is because the molecules are easily parted from each other
    • In contrast the intermolecular forces are very very weak
      • Because the  intermolecular forces are weak, this means they have low melting and boiling points
        • This is because the molecules are easily parted from each other
    • Most molecular substances are gas or liquids at room temp some can be solids though
    • Molecular substances DO NOT  conduct electricity because of the lack of ions


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