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  • Core Biology B1.1
    • Diet
      • A balanced diet has the right balance of food types.
      • Carbohydrate provide energy
      • Fats are used for energy and as an insulator.
      • Protein is used by the body for growth and cell repair.
      • Fibre helps digestion
      • Water is needed by the body for the nervous system.
    • Metabolic rate
      • Metabolic rate is the rate in which chemical reactions occur in cells
      • Exercise increases the metabolic rate
      • The proportion of muscle to fat in your body can affect your metabolic rate.
    • Weight problems
      • If the energy you take in equals the the energy you use then your mass will stay the same
      • If the energy you take in is more than you use then your mass will increase
    • Cholesterol
      • You need good cholesterol for you cell membranes and to make vital substances
      • Small numbers of the population inherit high levels of cholesterol which can lead to heart disease.
    • Pathogens
      • Pathogens are micro-organisms which cause infectious diseases.
      • Pathogens reproduce rapidly inside the body and may produce toxins.
      • Bacteria and viruses can make you feel ill by producing toxins.
        • Viruses are smaller than bacteria and reproduce inside cells.
          • The damage to the cells makes you feel ill.
    • Semmelweiss
      • Semmelweiss realised that infection could be transferred from person to person in a hospital
      • Semmelweiss told his staff to wash their hands between treating patients
    • Defence mechanisms
      • White blood cells are part of the immune system
        • They ingest pathogens
        • They produce antibodies
        • They produce antitoxins.
      • Antibiotics kill infective bacteria in the body
        • Penicillin was discovered by Alexander Fleming in 1928.
        • Painkillers relieve symptoms but do not kill pathogens.
      • Vaccines
        • 1. Dead or inactive pathogens are injected into the body.
          • 2. The antigens in the vaccine stimulate your white blood cells to make antibodies.
            • 3. The antibodies kill the antigens without the risk of disease.
              • 4. Immunity occurs because your body can respond rapidly and make the correct antibody.
        • Disease that spread within in a country is an epidemic. Disease that spread across countries is a pandemic.
    • Cultures
      • A culture of micro-organisms can be used to find the effects of antibiotics
      • Contamination might come from your skin, air, soil of water around you.
      • A culture contains a medium called agar jelly
        • Provide warmth and oxygen
          • Keep incubated at 25C at school and 35C in industry.
    • Resistant bacteria
      • 1.Mutations of pathogen produce new strains some resistant to bacteria.
        • 2. Antibiotics kill the non-resistant strain.
          • 3. The resistant strain survive and reproduce a population of resistant strain.


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