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  • Created on: 21-01-19 11:22
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  • Cooperation of the localities
    • 1513 Subsidy
      • A flexible tax based on wealth(land, Money, Goods) that was much more successful than other forms of tax
      • Was less successful by 1603, because the system had stagnated and became corrupt
    • The Law in Wales Act - 1535 and 1542
      • 1542
        • English system of law introduced
          • Reduced power of the Marcher Lords, lawlessness, and increased  political stability
            • Abolished Marcher Regions, to be replaced by 12 Counties. English law began to be incorporated
            • Influence of Northern Lords reduced, but they still had military power
              • More peaceful relations with Scotland was a factor
              • Gentry/ Nobility less likely to want to rebel and cause political instability
                • Reduced power of the Marcher Lords, lawlessness, and increased  political stability
                  • Abolished Marcher Regions, to be replaced by 12 Counties. English law began to be incorporated
                  • Influence of Northern Lords reduced, but they still had military power
                    • More peaceful relations with Scotland was a factor
                    • Gentry/ Nobility less likely to want to rebel and cause political instability
        • 1535
        • Changing role of JP’s
          • JPs had a lot of power by the end of the period with 309 Acts of Parliament placing different responsibilities on them
            • Extended royal control in localities
              • Monarchy was able to put supporting councillors and Lord Lieutenants on the County benches
          • JPs were responsible for local law and order, but they didn't have to live in that area
            • Monarchy was able to put supporting councillors and Lord Lieutenants on the County benches
          • Successful- Role of JPs expanded, so power of Government did too
        • Council of the North - 1537
          • Elizabeth changed Council in 1572 for stability. Role was to stop recusants in Catholic North
          • Council oversaw Northern admin, control border raids, and manage local order
            • North became more stable
              • Elizabeth changed Council in 1572 for stability. Role was to stop recusants in Catholic North
          • Mostly Successful at extending power into the localities- However there was a rebellion in 1569
        • Growth of poverty and government response
          • Population growth caused rising prices, low wages, and inflation
          • Actions taken against Vagrants were harsh, and Poor laws required the poor to register to beg
          • Not as successful- prices still rose and there was still a lot of poverty
        • Royal progresses
          • Journeys that the Monarch took around the country to show their wealth and power. Also an opportunity for subjects to show support
            • Increased loyalty and stability
          • Successful-improved monarch's authority, and was good for Monarchy financially
        • Increasing literacy in the yeoman class
          • Yeomen became more involved in local government
            • Less risk of Rebellion- Yeomen a part of the system so less likely to attack it
              • Caused less unrest compared to previous forms of tax
                • A flexible tax based on wealth(land, Money, Goods) that was much more successful than other forms of tax
          • Greater access to education for boys in the Yeomen class
            • Yeomen became more involved in local government
              • Less risk of Rebellion- Yeomen a part of the system so less likely to attack it
                • Caused less unrest compared to previous forms of tax
            • Successful in extending control- Yeomen who might have led rebellions became part of Elizabeth's system
          • Increased borough representation in the Commons
            • Growth of Boroughs due to pressure from towns, industrial interests, and competition for places in Parliament
            • Most MPs were local gentry instead of townsmen (23% were townsmen in 1559)
            • Patronage used as a way to ensure supporters became MPs
              • Control in  localities
                • Growth of Boroughs due to pressure from towns, industrial interests, and competition for places in Parliament
            • Partly successful- new borough seats kept nobility happy, and monarch was able to manipulate elections more easily
              • However increase of MPs as Parliament was growing in power, meant new methods of managing the Commons had to be found
          • Statute of Artificers
            • Allowed JPs to control wages, which later led to an increase in poverty
              • Growth of poverty and government response
                • Population growth caused rising prices, low wages, and inflation
                • Actions taken against Vagrants were harsh, and Poor laws required the poor to register to beg
                • Not as successful- prices still rose and there was still a lot of poverty
              • Changing role of JP’s
                • JPs had a lot of power by the end of the period with 309 Acts of Parliament placing different responsibilities on them
                  • Extended royal control in localities
                  • JPs were responsible for local law and order, but they didn't have to live in that area
                    • Successful- Role of JPs expanded, so power of Government did too
                • A series of conditions that made working basically compulsory, unless you fit the criteria
                • First attempt by central government to produce legislation that would affect all problems in the Tudor society
                • Not as successful- contributed to further economic problems
                  • But it did enhance role of craftsmen and food production
              • Act for the relief of the poor – 1598
                • Made contribution to parish poor fund compulsory
                • First national system for dealing with the poor, and recognised that there could be an unavailability of work for the poor
                  • National system instead of lots of different local systems
                    • First attempt by central government to produce legislation that would affect all problems in the Tudor society
                • Successful- first national system and made poor relief compulsory
              • Patronage
                • Process of giving land/ money/ titles to Gentry/ Nobility, in return for stronger support
                  • Successful- By the end of Elizabeth's reign, nobility practically depended on patronage





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