Consequences of unemployment

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  • The consequence of u/m
    • reduce international competitiveness
      • high u/e reduces incentives for firms to invest in new tech that generally lead to increased export competitiveness
        • this under investment also stems from a reduced need to invest in capital-intensive tech when there's lots of cheap u/e workers
      • possible decline in labour supply as u/e move overseas
    • high business taxes that firms have to pay to help finance the welfare benefits
      • Info on Universal Credit: capped at £26K on the grounds that families living solely on benefits shouldn't get more than workers. Tories reduced the cap as part of their 2015 manifesto.
    • erosion of job skills and work habits can lead to workers becoming unemployable
      • employers perceive workers who've been economically inactive for years as risky.
      • the economy begins to behave as if it's on its PPF even though there's plenty of unemployed workers available for work.
        • an increase in AD and lead to inflation rather than to an increase in output and jobs
    • free-market economists believe a certain amount of u/e is necessary to make the economy function better
      • by providing downward pressure on wage rate, u/e can reduce inflation
      • frictional u/e is beneficial bc workers can take time to search for the best job and firms have more choice of workers
    • contributes to the widening of income differentials which are needed to promote incentives
      • this creates the supply-side conditions in which the economy can prosper
    • low incomes that accompany u/e lead to low standards of living
    • the u/e become marginalised from normal economic and human activity and their self-esteem is reduced
      • families suffer increased health risks, greater stress, a reduction in the quality of diet, increased risk of marital break-up and social exclusion
        • fiscal budget costs e.g increase in G   in healthcare to deal with depression, or in the police to deal with crime etc...
          • opportunity cost e.g gov has to cut spending in other sectors to finance this increase in spending around u/e
    • slower long-run trend rate of economic growth
  • under-investment
    • high business taxes that firms have to pay to help finance the welfare benefits
      • Info on Universal Credit: capped at £26K on the grounds that families living solely on benefits shouldn't get more than workers. Tories reduced the cap as part of their 2015 manifesto.
  • Eleanor Ansell


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