cognitive approach

  • Created by: 111yshh
  • Created on: 16-10-21 21:27
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  • cognitive approach
    • cognitive psychology has been influenced by developments in computer science and analogies are often made between how a computer works and how we process infomation
    • lead to models which shows information flowing through the cognitive system such as the multi- store model of memory
    • cognitive psychology is interested in how the brain inputs, stores, and retrieves information
    • A01: assumptions
      • cognitive approach is that information received from our senses is processed by the brain and that this
      • internal mental processes cannot be observed directly but we can infer what a person is thinking based on how they act
    • became popular in the 1950s, draw parallels between human mind and computers, studies internal processes
    • inference- go beyond the immediate evidence to make assumptions about internal mental processes
    • schemas
      • schemas are largely affected by our culture and upbringing
      • schemas help us minimise cognitive load so that we don't have to think about things too much
      • ways of organising the world based on information we've already encountered, schemas are present from birth and get complex as we age
    • computational models: refers to the process of using computer analogies as a representation of human cognition
    • theoretical models: in cognitive psych, models are simplified, usually pictorial representation of a particular mental process based on current research method
    • cognitive neuroscience: area of psych dedicated to the underlying neural bases of cognitive functions, advances in tech have allowed us to see which areas of the brain are active when completing different cognitive tasks
    • A03: study of memory has lead to the development of cognitive interview which has decreased the inaccuracy of eyewitness memory, also helped us understand the causes of depression
  • role schemas: information on how we should act in our particular role
  • self schemas: information we hold on ourself which affects the decisions we make
  • event schemas: information on how to behave at different events/ places
  • person schemas: information we hold about either people (helping us predict their behaviour)


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