Cognitive Approach

  • Created by: julyfirst
  • Created on: 10-09-19 10:29
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  • Cognitive
    • Assumptions
      • Internal mental processes should be studied
      • Study indirectly by making inferences about them
      • Theoretical and computer models
        • Information processing- flows through input, storage and retrieval (like the multi-store model)
        • Based on how computers work through programming instructions
      • Schema
        • Ideas and information developed through experience
        • Mental framework
        • Born with simple motor schema but we develop a more sophisticated schema which allows us to process information quickly
        • Distorts our sensory information leading to perceptual errors
      • Neuroscience
        • Influence of brain structures on mental processes
        • fMRI and PET scans allow scientists to observe neurology
    • Evaluation
      • Machine Reductionism- ignores human emotions and how this may affect the way we think
      • Scientific- uses lab experiments to produce objective and reliable data so is credible scientifically
      • Applications- concepts are often too abstract and theoretical in nature as they derive from experiments with artificial stimuli
      • Less Deterministic- recognises that our cognitive system can only operate from the limits of what we know and that we are free to think before responding to a stimulus


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