cognitive approach

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  • cognitive approach
    • assumptions
      • 2. we can study internal mental processes scientifically
      • 1. internal mental processes influence our behaviour
      • MAIN ASSUMPTION: information received from our senses is processed in the mind and that this processing directs the way we behave
  • A1. the use of inferences to study behaviour
    • inference- drawing conclusions about the way mental processes operate on the basis of observed behaviour ; making logical conclusions on the basis of evidence and reasoning.
    • cognitive approach
      • assumptions
        • 2. we can study internal mental processes scientifically
        • 1. internal mental processes influence our behaviour
        • MAIN ASSUMPTION: information received from our senses is processed in the mind and that this processing directs the way we behave
    • A2. schema
      • shemas are;     1. mental framework       2. a "package" of beliefs and expectations on a topic that comes from prior experience       3.they are useful by helping us to take shortcuts in terms of thinking            4. you are born  with basic schema that develop over time- but they can lead to faulty conclusions and unwanted behaviour


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