Coding Studies R.A

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  • Coding studies
    • Types of Coding In Memory Stores
      • Semantic Coding
        • Semantically similar-intelligent, clever,smart.
        • Semantically dissimilar- house, walk, elephant.
      • Acoustic Coding
        • Acoustically similar- ball mall hall tall.
        • Acoustically dissimilar- cat dog park.
    • Independent group design-groups with different participants who only do one of two conditions.
    • Baddeley (1966)
      • Independent group design with the conditions being recalling the words immediately and after a 20 minute task.
      • Participants who had to recall immediately had difficulty in recalling words that were acoustically similar.
      • Participants who had to recall after the task had difficulty recalling words that were semantically similar.
  • Based on how words sound.
    • Acoustic Coding
      • Acoustically similar- ball mall hall tall.
      • Acoustically dissimilar- cat dog park.
  • Based on meaning of words.
    • Semantic Coding
      • Semantically similar-intelligent, clever,smart.
      • Semantically dissimilar- house, walk, elephant.
  • Participants were given four sets of words(see above).
    • Baddeley (1966)
      • Independent group design with the conditions being recalling the words immediately and after a 20 minute task.
      • Participants who had to recall immediately had difficulty in recalling words that were acoustically similar.
      • Participants who had to recall after the task had difficulty recalling words that were semantically similar.
  • Baddeley concluded that because because the acoustically similar words were difficult to recall immediately, the STM must rely on acoustic codin
    • Conclusion
      • Furthermore because the semantically similar were difficult to recall after a 20-minute interval,LTM must rely on semantic encoding.


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