Climate Change 1

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  • Climate Change
    • What is climate?
      • The expected weather patterns
    • How do scientists tell what the past climate was like?
      • Old drawings and photographs, written records, recorded dates of harvests, land forms, tree rings, ice sheets (carbon dioxide).
    • What are the words for warm and cold periods? How long did they last in the Quaternary?
      • Warm - Interglacials (10-15000 years) Cold - Glacials (80-100000 years)
    • What is the Quaternary Period?
      • The last 2.6 million years.
    • What is the Holocene Period?
      • Recent time, since the last ice age.
    • What are the recent periods of cold and warm?
      • Roman warm period, Dark ages, Medieval warm period, The Little Ice Age, Modern warm period.
    • What is the eruption theory?
      • The ash and gasses from volcanic eruptions get into the atmosphere and block the sunlight, causing cooling.
    • How can asteroid collisions cause climate change?
      • Asteroid causes dust and ash to go into the atmosphere, cooling the earth.
    • What are sunspots? how do they affect the climate?
      • The more sunspots, the more active the sun, causing warming.
    • Explain the orbital theory:
      • That the earths orbit changing shape from a circle to an ellipse alters the temperature.
    • What happened in viking Greenland?
      • The little ice age caused the colony of vikings to die out, along with too much deforestation, dependency on overseas trade and inability to adapt.
    • What and when was the little ice age? What happened?
      • Earth cooled down about 0.5-1 degrees, it was between 1300-1870.  There was a great famine as crops would not grow, and people died of the cold.
    • What were the two reasons why dinosaurs became extinct?
      • Amassive change in climate caused by either a massive volcanic erruption or asteroid.
    • What were the megafauna? Why did they become extinct?
      • humans/predators, and climate change caused them to die out.


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