sociology childhood

  • Created by: hellss
  • Created on: 12-10-18 11:02
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    • Conflict views
      • inequality between adults
        • firestone: children are being controlled not protected
          • this makes them dependent on parents and vulnerable
        • children in unhealth families act out eg. smoke to exaggerate their age
      • inequality between children
        • ETHNIC
          • Brannen: Asian children are more likely to study
        • GENDER
          • Hilman: boys are more likely to go out alone in the dark
        • CLASS
          • poor families are higher death rates
    • western notions of childhood
      • children lack skills, knowledge and experiance
      • children need protection and nurturing
      • PILTCHER(1995) believed in separateness, childhood and adulthood are clearly different.
        • education
        • responsibilitie
        • law restrictions
        • what they eat and wear
      • BENEDICT children in similar, non-industrial societies and treated differently
        • work at a young age
        • less value of adult authority (Tikopia)
        • lack age restrictions on sexual behaviour
    • Disappearing childhood
      • JENKS: childhood is changing with socoiety
        • need to be nurtured by famil
        • moving to modern to postmodern
      • POSTMAN: children have become more like adults.
        • same cloths
        • literal abbilities
        • technology gives them access to everything
      • OPIE:: childhood is not disappearing,
        • same rhymes, songs, poems
    • Historical changes
      • Aries- believed children in the middle ages were like "mini adults"
        • same punishments
        • same manners
        • wore the same cloths and ate the same food
        • same punishments
        • BUT his proof was a picture... biased?
          • he also just looked at Europe
        • Reason for change
          • church sow children as frigile
          • handbooks on parenthood
          • schools focused on education


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