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  • characteristics
    • Gerald Croft
      • attractive/well bred
        • 'an attractive chap...much the esay well bred'
      • Evasive
        • 'All right i knew her let's leave it to that'
      • protective of his status and himself
        • 'argued this very cleverly'
      • Caring(to some extent)
        • 'Because i was sorry for her'
      • irresponsible
        • 'did we?who says so?
        • 'everything is all right now sheila'
        • 'i don't come into this suicide business'
      • Upset
        • 'sorry-i-well, i've suddenly realised-taken it in properly-that she's dead-'
      • Holds similar views to MR Birling
        • 'you couldn't have done anything else'
    • Inspector Goole
      • Authorititive/interrogative
        • 'cutting in with authority. he must wait his turn'
      • Secretive
        • 'and i hate to think how much he knows that we don't know yet'
      • systematic
        • 'one person and one line of inquiry at a time'
      • Professional
        • 'i'm on duty'
      • Priestley's mouthpeices
        • 'we are members of one body we are responsible for eachother'
      • opinionated
        • 'no sir i cant agree with you there'
    • Eva smith/Daisy Renton
      • pretty
        • 'she was very prety'
      • Warm-hearted
        • 'warm-hearted-intensely grateful'
      • caring
        • 'she came to you to protect me'
      • Brave/leadership qualities
        • 'she'd had a lot to say-far too much
      • strong
        • 'she could look after herself'




Good. Useful being able to edit too.

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