Lord of the Flies, Chapter 1, mind map

mind map summarising, the setting, key quotes, why this chapter is important and a summary of the events in chapter one, the sound of the shell

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  • Chapter 1, The  Sound of the Shell
    • Summary
      • book opens with the description of a fair haired boy and a shorter, fatter one.
      • they discover they are marooned on an island after evacuation from a war zone.
      • they find a conch and ralph uses it to call the other boys
      • many young boys appear, including the choir and jack, their leader. simon faints
      • ralph is voted as chief
      • jack, ralph and simon set off to explore
      • they come across a trapped piglet on the way back. jack 'attempts' to kills it but doesn't
    • why this chapter is important
      • establishes setting
      • introduced to main characters
      • we learn of jacks fairness and generosity (giving jack his choir/'hunters'
      • importance of conch established-becomes symbol of democracy and authority
      • bad weather foreshadows later events
    • the setting
      • tropical paradise-"reef, cirque, scar, defiles, lagoon"
      • island has many contrasts e.g. rocky and forested
      • setting not chosen by chance- island is exotic but threatening, has a deliberate purpose e.g. "a vision of red and yellow, flashed up wards with  a with-like cry
    • Key Quotes
      • you're talking too much, said jack merridew, shut up fatty


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