Challenging the succession - Henry Tudor

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  • Challenging the succession (Henry Tudor)
    • Securing the throne:
      • took the crown lands
      • rewarded his followers and punished the traitors
      • He married Elizabeth of York to bond two feuding families. they had a son, Arthur
      • cancelled Titulus Regius which had declared Edward's marriage to Elizabeth as invalid
      • Reinforced the idea that God chose Henry as king
        • he did this by having a coronation ceremony and he swore an oath
    • Lambert Simnel 1486-87:
      • he had no royal blood and was an impersonator of the Earl of Warwick. he was also young
        • the real Earl of Warwick was in the tower and so Henry paraded him around the town to show that Simnel was a fake
      • the rebellion did not end here though. But instead grew more support of 2000 mercenaries from Germany
      • the rebels sailed to Ireland and Simnel was crowned king.
        • this led to the Battle of Stoke
          • 16th june 1487 is considered the end of the war of the roses
    • Perkin Warbeck (1491-99)
      • he claimed to be Richard, duke of york
        • Richard was missing so henry couldn't prove he wasn't Richard
      • Sir William Stanley (Henry's uncle) was plotting against Henry. Stanley was executed
        • he had support from Cornwall of 3000 to 8000 but there was no support in Ireland
      • Margaret of Burgundy "recognised"Warbeck as her nephew and he went to Burgundy
      • Warbeck went to France in 1492 until November and he was treated like a prince until Charles was forced to kick him out
        • when he failed to gain support in Deal, he went to Scotland
          • in 1496, he tried to invade England with 1400 men but failed
            • James IV, got tired of Warbeck drama and would no longer help
    • 1483 - Richard III usurps the throne, princes disappear
    • 1487 - Battle of Stoke
      • 16th June 1487, the 8,000 strong Yorkist forces took up their position on Rampire Hill
      • Seeking to reverse the outcome of Bosworth was the Yorkist Earl of Lincoln, with mainly mercenary army recruited from Germany, Switzerland and Ireland.
      • At Lincoln’s side was the imposter Lambert Simnel, who had been crowned “King Edward VI of England” in Dublin just a few weeks earlier.
    • 1489 - Treaty of medina del campo
      • it was made up of 26 clauses
      • cause 1 to 16 was focused on trade and military
        • they agreed to mutual assistant should either country be attacked
      • clause 17-20 dealt with the marriage of Catalina of Aragon to prince Arthur of England
    • 1497 - Cornish rebellion
      • Based around a tax demand. In January 1497, Parliament voted for a tax to finance the campaign against James IV and Perkin Warbeck
      • The Cornish refused to contribute to a tax that was to pay for a campaign in the north and which, to them, had no impact on Cornwall.
      • On June 16th, the rebels reached the outskirts of London and 15,000 of them camped on Blackheath.
      • 1,000 of the rebels were killed at the so-called Battle of Blackheath. Some were taken prisoner but many of the rebels simply fled.
      • The leaders were put to death including the blacksmith Joseph and Lord Audley.
    • 1499 - Warbeck executed


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