
  • Created by: Tommy1boy
  • Created on: 10-05-15 15:18
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  • Cells
    • Plant Cells
      • Cytoplasm
        • Most chemical reactions take place here
        • Animal Cells
          • Nucleus
            • Controls the activities of the cells
            • Plant Cells
              • Cytoplasm
                • Most chemical reactions take place here
                • Animal Cells
                  • Nucleus
                    • Controls the activities of the cells
                  • Cell Membrane
                    • Controls the passage of substances in and out
                  • Ribosomes
                    • Protein synthesis takes place
                  • Circular / less structured shape / size
              • Mitochondria
                • Oxygen is used and respiration happens
              • Cellulose Cell Wall
                • Strengthens the cell
              • Chloroplasts
                • Absorb light for photo synthesis
              • Rectangle / more structured size / shape
          • Cell Membrane
            • Controls the passage of substances in and out
          • Ribosomes
            • Protein synthesis takes place
          • Circular / less structured shape / size
      • Mitochondria
        • Oxygen is used and respiration happens
      • Cellulose Cell Wall
        • Strengthens the cell
      • Chloroplasts
        • Absorb light for photo synthesis
      • Rectangle / more structured size / shape
  • Large Permanent vacuole
    • Keeps the cell rigid


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