Cell Organelles and functions

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  • Cells
    • Eukaryotes
      • Animal Cells
        • Plasma membrane - Made of Lipids and Protein - regulates the movement of substances in and out of the cell.
          • Plant Cells
            • Cell wall - A rigid structure made of cellulose that supports plant cells
            • Chloroplast - Has a double membrane and has inner thylakoid membranes stacked to form Grana . Grana linked by lamellae. Site of Photosynthesis
        • Nucleus - Surrounded by Nuclear envelope, contains Chromatin and Nucleolus - Controls cells activities
          • Plant Cells
            • Cell wall - A rigid structure made of cellulose that supports plant cells
            • Chloroplast - Has a double membrane and has inner thylakoid membranes stacked to form Grana . Grana linked by lamellae. Site of Photosynthesis
        • Lysosomes - A round structure with no internal structure - Contain digestive enzymes
          • Ribosomes - Made of proteins and RNA - the site where proteins are made
          • Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum -  Processes proteins - System of fluid-filled space and the surface is covered in ribosomes
          • Smooth Endoplasmic Rectculum - Smooth surace - synthesis and processes lipids
            • Vesicle - Small fluid filled sack surrounded by membrane - Transports substances in and out of the cell.
              • Golgi apparatus - Flattened sacs - Processes an packages lipids and proteins and produces lysosomes
                • Mitochondrion- Site of respiration and ATP production. Have an outer and inner membrane. Folded inner structures called Crista and filled with fluid called Matrix
                  • Flagella - Long tail on cell formed in 9-2 structure - allow cell to move
                  • Cilia - Hair like structures with 9-2 structure made of protein microtubules.
                  • Centrioles - Hollow cylinders made of microtubules Involved with separation of chromosomes
              • Prokaryotes
                • Circular DNA
                • No nucleus - DNA floats in cytoplasm
                • Cell wall made of a polysaccharide not cellulose or chitin.
                • No membrane bound organelles
                • Flagella - arranged in a helix
                • Small ribosomes


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