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  • Catherine
    • Heathcliff
      • "degrade" - Edgar provides socail mobility - He shall be rich, i shall be proud" seeks own idenity through man's status
        • accepting food - subjects you to their dominace, social metaphor of subjegtion - symbolic of care and love... rejection of food, gives the female power
          • cathy becomes ill, chapter 11, uses frailty as strength, domination of bodily decsions, desperation, absolutesurrnder of the body
            • result of constand imprisonment, yerning for death to be free of socail restraints,
            • higher state of conciousness, yerning to esacpe.. PHILIP K,,, allows a breakdown of bundaries.. the dreamer can participate, emotionally unresticted, represented by the symbolic freedom of the moors
            • fearlessness of aftermath and death, because it offers a sense of freedom
            • exploration and expression beyond acceptable and traditional literary decorum
            • nelly unsympthetic, unabe to relat to dilemma, overreaction.. sekpical..
        • ought stretchg in any form of domaince possible
      • audeince- despire fearless character, she is weak for not following own desires, own hearts passions
      • BYRONIC HERO.. rises form tormented soul, bullying, iferiori orphan to irrespuitable amount of power and property.. class struggle, loses lover due to lower status, moves towards brual revenge in order to overcome class supression.. pivitol theme as he dominates Haretone, beocmes more respectable in his physic and disires vengence
        • threatens to break both mlaes hearts by breaking her own CHAPTER 11
          • strongminded, charming character, undenaibale beauty and attractivness
            • BOUNDARIES
        • contrasting compatablity of hatrid and love.. demonic passion and intense passion
          • THE NIGHT IS DRKENING AROUND ME - EMILY BRNONTE. REMEMBER.. alluion to HC heartbreak and pain he felt following cathys death.."All my lifes bliss is in the gave with thee"
      • morality
    • transgression of bounderies and level of violence, little fear of death and aftermath... wild nature, free spirit
      • WHIP - represents the power of masculinity, desirable object, to reach equality with males, later the desire trangresses into violent behaviour
      • THE GUN - PHALLIC SYMBOL, of sominance and bruality, dsired by isabella.. self defense and
      • DREAMS, allow a portayl of events, ideas that would otheriwwse be beyond acceptable traditional literary decorum
    • MARRIAGE choice of edgar, choice of culture over nature, victim of the patiachary, unable to choose of freewill "i am healthcliff" due to the loss of liberty and indepnedence that marriage takes... little choice, due to .. love v propery... ridgid gender roles.. feminine chacterers v mascline steroypes
      • forced to act as a sutibale,respectable wife, due to the budens of womenhood
        • adopts domestically contrary to her natural self.. demonic instincis.. entangled
      • succumbs to the socoital expecttions of womem
      • audeince- despire fearless character, she is weak for not following own desires, own hearts passions
      • MARRIAGE = orgaised repression of thesubjectaged sex .. mary wollstonecraft.. little more than a legal state of prosition.. 1700s
      • TERRY EGALTON. the more property one has, th more aggressievly one must protect it . arxism
    • untamed, spolit, by father (filal love)  young girl, uncontrolablefoolish, weak, rebellious
      • ruined by idenity criris, internal dilemma... uneasiness between passion, emtion, love and pain
      • strongminded, charming character, undenaibale beauty and attractivness
        • BOUNDARIES
    • GILBERT AND GUBAR... "gender obessed" "bible of opression from hell"
        • WUTHERING HEIGHTS - hellish, by lack o conventional standards, non-hetricharl space, both cildren have equal snese of liberty to exploit
          • ostie weather, conditions relfect inner tumoil of cathy, the emtions
        • THURSHGROSH GRANGE - represnts civlised patricharl culture, respectable, curtsey, luxourious and peaceful.. attacks cathys freewill and free spirit, IMPRISONMENT, social mobility beauty of upper class and tranqui, life
          • MARRIAGE choice of edgar, choice of culture over nature, victim of the patiachary, unable to choose of freewill "i am healthcliff" due to the loss of liberty and indepnedence that marriage takes... little choice, due to .. love v propery... ridgid gender roles.. feminine chacterers v mascline steroypes
            • forced to act as a sutibale,respectable wife, due to the budens of womenhood
              • adopts domestically contrary to her natural self.. demonic instincis.. entangled
            • succumbs to the socoital expecttions of womem
            • MARRIAGE = orgaised repression of thesubjectaged sex .. mary wollstonecraft.. little more than a legal state of prosition.. 1700s
            • TERRY EGALTON. the more property one has, th more aggressievly one must protect it . arxism
    • nature
      • internal interplay of nature, traditional elements, interact with thecharacters feelings.. poetic language.. connection between the natural and human world
        • gothic.. combiines horror and romanticism.. supernatural elemtns alter the characcter perception .. " pleasurable terror"
        • GLORIFIED DEATH.. EQAUTES TO FREEDOMelements of nature, uncontrollable by an, futher oppress women, although in favour of naualness
      • daring, sttrong, assertive, definat, loving, caring, foolish, strons spirited, but unlike mother, does not become victimised since she maried hareton, despire "gyspy boy" lower educational standards and his property
        • represents a degree of emantipaion cathy was unable to achieve.. unrestirced by society
      • DEYING, witty, desperate, impulsive, irrational, youthful desire of HC, courteous, well educated, well mannered.. foolish under HC marriage, ruthlessness displayed, as she persued her passion although it subjegated her to abuse and grea difficulty,
        • runs away from broken, untruemarriage.. commodified for the use of house worth - symblic of running from patriachy.. shunned by society.. to raise a boy,hybrid  prouduct of two incompatiable natures and conflicting households


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