Earthquake Case Study - Turkey

  • Created by: LML09
  • Created on: 09-11-15 17:30
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  • Case Study: Turkey Earthquake
    • 17th August 1999         Just after 3am
    • "Izmit", "Kocaeli" or "Golcuk" earthquake
    • Shock lasted less than 1 minute, and was magnitude 7.4
    • Eurasia and Africa/Arabia plates involved, which are grinding into each other, north to south
    • Epi-centre was Izmit, 50 miles from Istanbul
    • On the Anatolian fault (conservative plate margin), so it occured when the plate slipped
    • Air pollution due to a fire at Tupras oil refinery
    • Tidal waves flooded farm land on the coast damaging crops
    • 17000 killed, over 20,000 injured, 500,000 left homeless
    • Poor quality, crowded housing, gecekondus meant they were destroyed easily
    • Lack of clean water so spread of disease
    • Fish died due to untreated sewage contaminting the river
    • Short term- medical supplies, tents, blankets and medical rescue teams
      • Countries such as the UK, France, Germany, Japan ad the USA
    • Long term- assistance for planning for natural disasters (education) and money to repair infrastructure


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