C1 Metals

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  • C1- Metals
    • Extracting iron
      • Blast Furnace
        • Iron ore, Coke and Limestone are fed up into the top of the furnace.
        • Molten Iron and **** is collected at the bottom.
        • As hot air is blown into the furnace, the coke burns in oxygen to produce Carbon Monoxide.
        • The Carbon Monoxide then reduces the iron oxide to Iron and carbon dioxide.
        • The limestone reacts with impurities to create **** which floats on the top of the molten Iron.
    • Oxidation - A reaction when oxygen is added to a substance.
    • Reduction - A reaction when oxygen is removed from a substance.
    • Atoms and Alloys
      • Metal atoms are arranged in giant structures, regular rows and layers.
      • Metals can bend because the layers ca slide over each other. The shape can change but atoms remain bonded.
      • Metals conduct electricity due to free electrons as free outer electrons can move through the layers.
      • To make metals harder they can be mixed to form alloys.
        • An alloy is not a compound it is a mixture of elements.
      • Smart alloys can remember their original shape and will return if heated.
    • Iron and Steel
      • Pure Iron is too soft for most uses so steel is used instead.
      • Adding metals to molten steel can give it special properties.
        • Stainless steel is very resistant to corrosion and does not rust.
      • Atoms is pure metals have different structures. If different atoms are added to create an alloy. The layers will become harder to pass over each other making the metal harder.
    • Copper
      • Purified through electrolysis.
        • Electricity is passes through a copper sulphate solution.
      • Pure copper, positive, travel to the cathode and coat it.
      • The impurities will lose electrons and will dissolve in the solution.
        • Impurities will fall to the bottom
      • Anode= Postive Cathode= negative


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