Business Communications

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  • Complex business communications used at Alton Towers.
    • -     Websites / Web pages
      • Alton towers have their own website. This states a lot of different information about At. It includes; history, prices, things to do, etc. Alton Towers interpret the website into their business as a way of advertising. This is done as this is out there for everyone to see. They also interpret websites into their business by being promoted on other individuals’ or businesses ’ websites. Overall, websites are a huge part of keeping Alton Towers up and running.
    • Financial reports
      • Alton Towers have a finance department where they will send the finance information across to Merlin. (The parent company). From this, Merlin will use financial information to produce the final reports. This includes; profit and loss statements and balance sheets. Once this information is made up, it can be used to assess the financial visibility of AT.
    • customer complaints database
      • AT uses the customer complaints database to review how certain improvements could change the customer experience. This allows them to change aspects that could improve the experience for future customers, such as queuing times and Fast Track or capacity on rides. AT have multiple web pages that are in place for people if they feel like they are experiencing reoccurring issues that need resolving. They have multiple methods like a live chat room and an email for customers to use to contact Alton Towers.
    • Health & Safety info
      • when AT hires their employees, they are subject to training so they are familiar with health and safety requirements, allowing them to prevent accidents. This training is referred to periodically and has to be refreshed annually. There will most likely be posters etc around rides with H&S instructions.


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