Breakdown of relationships

  • Created by: 08rmorris
  • Created on: 11-04-15 11:07
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  • Breakdown of relationships
    • A range of factors can influence the breakdown f a relationship
      • Dissatisfaction or boredom with the relationships
      • Breaking agreed rules (being faithful, confidentiality)
      • Interference from other relationships (family or friends)
      • Abuse (violence, drugs, alcohol)
      • An attractive alternative relationship exists
      • Costs outweigh the benefits
      • Conflict or dispute (finances)
      • Jealousy over a real or imaginary rival
    • Theories suggest relationships end in stages
      • Lee 1984 conducted interviews with over 100 couples who had broken up
        • He identified 5 stages in the process of breakdown
          • 1. Dissatisfaction in one of both partners
          • 2. Exposing the dissatisfaction and identifying problems
          • 3. Negotiating the exposed problems
          • 4. Resolution - attempting to solve problems
          • 5. Termination of the relationship if  no resolution
      • Duck 1988 developed a 4 - phase model of the ending of an intimate relationship
        • 1. Intra-psychic phase - inside the head of one person. One person is dissatisfied
        • 2. Dyadic phase - between two people. The other partner is told about the dissatisfaction
        • 3. Social phase - beyond the couple. The breakup is made public to friends and family. Implications are discussed (care of children). The relationships can still be saved here (intervention of family, external marital support)
        • 4. Grave-dressing phase - finishing the relationship completely. The ex partners organise their lives post relationship. They tell their own version of the breakup and of their current relationship to their ex.
    • However
      • The theories don't take individual differences into account and research evidence suggests these models don't show how complex relationship dissolution can be
        • Rusbult and Zembrodt (1983) said some people in relationship breakdowns actively lead the process. Others are passive (believing things will resolve themselves
        • Akert (1992) said people who do the breaking up are less likely to be upset and show physic symptoms (loss of appetite and sleep) high face validity
        • Finally, these theories don't take cultural differences into account


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