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  • biopsychology
    • the nervous system - specialised network of cells + primary internal com system
      • CNS - consists of brain and spinal cord + is the origin of all complex decisions and commands
      • PNS - sends info from CNS to muscles and glands in the body
      • SNS - transmits info from receptor cells to the CNS + receives info from CNS that directs muscles to act
    • the endocrine system - instructs glands to release hormones directly into the bloodstream
      • fight or flight response - the way we respond to stressful situations
        • amygdala [distress signal] --> hypothalamus [distress signal] --> pineal gland [message] --> adrenal gland --> adrenaline is released
        • sympathetic state - increased heartrate, increased breath intake, dilated pupils, digestion inhibited, increased saliva production
        • parasympathetic state - decreased heartrate, decreased breath intake, constricted pupils, digestion stimulated, saliva production stimulated
    • neurons
      • sensory neuron - carries message from PNS to CNS
      • motor neuron - connect CNS to effectors such as muscles
      • relay neurons - connect sensory neurons to motor neurons
    • synaptic transmission - neighbouring neurons communicate with each other by sending chemical messages across the gap
      • neurotransmitters - brain chemicals released from synaptic vesicles that have either an inhibitory or excitatory effect
        • excitatory - when a neurotransmitter increases the positive charge of the postsynaptic neuron
        • inhibitory - when a neurotransmitter increases the negative charge of the postsynaptic neuron


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