Biological explanations for anorexia

  • Created by: Grace
  • Created on: 10-01-13 19:19
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  • Biological explanations of Anorexia
    • Suggests that it is in your genetics and therefore runs in families.
      • Holland et al - found a 56% concordance rate in monozygotic twins and a 7% concordance rate in dizygotic twins
        • Suggests that the more genes you share the more likely you are to have the same eating disorder.
          • BUT can't just be genetics or the concordance rate would be 100% - genetics may create a base and then behavioural builds upon it - hence why MZ similar = share similar environment,
      • Best explanation that also links to behavioural approach = EVOLUTIONARY
        • Pseudo Nubile hypothesis developed by Abed et al - Anorexia results from a high level of female to female competition. This suggests that the thinner you look the more attractive you look.
          • Links to behavioural approach - learning this through the media and association. Also explains the high levels of anorexia in western countries cos of high media.
          • X - Gender bias - does not explain men X- Anorexics look ill so would not be chosen. Alone this is a reductionist approach,
            • When looked at together (evo and SLT) = holism
              • Links to behavioural approach - learning this through the media and association. Also explains the high levels of anorexia in western countries cos of high media.
      • Need to be looked at together - has face validity and is holistic. Genetics create a base for developing an eating disorder but behavioural increases your chances.


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