Roman Baths

  • Created by: Amber
  • Created on: 01-05-14 13:06
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  • Baths
    • 1. Palaestra
      • Running
      • wrestling
      • Bladderball
      • tennis
      • boxing
      • weight lifting
      • handball
    • Why?
      • Relax
      • politics
      • socialise
      • business
      • clan
      • enjoy art
    • prices
      • 1/4 an as men
      • 1/2 an as woman
    • 2.Apodyterium
      • dressing room
      • slaves were left there to guard togas
      • holes in wall for clothes
    • 3. Tepidarium
      • A warm bath
      • tub or a basin full of warm water piped from the furnace room
    • 4. Caldarium
      • Hot and Steamy
      • a hot plunge bath
      • hottest room
      • First perfumed oil was applied to the skin, and then it would be scraped off, along with the dirt. For wealthier people, this process was often done by slaves.
    • 5. Frigidarium
      • Colder Room
      • plunge pool for bather to cool off
      • To wash of sweat and close pores
    • Bathing times
      • woman in the morning
        • shop in the afternoon
      • men in the afternoon will go home and dine
  • Running


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