Baldwins Government 1924-1929

  • Created by: Kimmy
  • Created on: 29-05-13 15:19
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  • Baldwin 1924-1929
    • Around this
      • 1924 Labour Govt.
      • Wall St.Crash 1929
    • Acts introduced
      • Representation of the People Act 1928
      • 1926 Emergency Powers Act
        • not used to manual work. Slow/ruined goods
      • 1927 Trades Disputes Act
        • Made further sympathy strikes illegal
      • Ratings and Valuation Act 1925
      • Slum clearance 1927
    • Return to Gold Standard 1925
      • Reason for general strike: Made pound too strong for effective exporting, raised interest rates hurting all businesses
    • The General Strike 1926
      • Causes
        • Return to Gold Standard 1925
          • Reason for general strike: Made pound too strong for effective exporting, raised interest rates hurting all businesses
        • Germany free coal as part of reparations for WW1
        • Britain had been using coal domestically for years, so other counties had filled the gap, therefore less coal needed, therefore wages needed reducing
        • Wage reductions and longer working hours
        • Coal production at its lowest and had been falling since 1914
      • Consequences
        • 1927 Trades Disputes Act
          • Made further sympathy strikes illegal
        • 1926 Emergency Powers Act
          • not used to manual work. Slow/ruined goods
        • Clashes: Pickets and police. Strikers and volunteers
        • Nationlisation 1947: Discouraged some employers wage cutting
        • Over 1 and a 1/2 million on strike
      • Samuel Report 1926
        • Recommended sweeping reorganisation and improvements for mining industry
    • Streamlining
    • Organising
    • making everything more straightforward


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