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  • Arenes
    • Hydrogen cyanide
      • Reacts with carbonyl compounds to produce hydroxynitriles
      • Nucleophilic addition
      • Weak acid, partially dissociates
      • CN- attacks slightly positive carbon atom and donates a pair of electrons to it
        • Both electrons form the double bond transfer to the oxygen
    • Test for aldehydes
      • Tollens' reagent
        • Colourless solution of silver nitrate dissolved in aqueous ammonia
          • Heated in test tube wit aldehyde, silver mirror forms
      • Fehling's solution
        • Blue solution of complex Copper(II) ions dissolved in sodium hydroxide
          • Heated with aldehyde the copper(II) ions are reduced to brick-red precipitate of copper(I) oxide
      • Benedict's solution
        • Blue solution of complex copper(II) ions dissolved in sodium carbonate
        • Heated with aldehyde, copper(II) ions are reduced to brick-red precipitate of copper(I) oxide
      • Acidified dichromate(VI) ions
        • heat aldehyde with acidified dichromate(VI) ions get carboxylic acid
        • Oxidising agent
        • Solution turns orange to green
    • Test for carbonyl groups
      • 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine dissolved in methanol and concentratedsulfuric acid
        • Reacts to form bright, orange precipitate
        • C=O groups only tests for aldehydes and ketones
      • Methyl carbonyl group reacts when heated with iodine in the presence of an alkaline
        • Methyl carbonyl groups are present, yellow precipitate of triiodomethane (CHI3) and antiseptic smell forms


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