Approaches evaluation

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  • Evaluation
    • Psychodynamic
      • Explanatory power- used to explain personality development,  abnormal behaviour, moral development and gender. Significant in drawing attention to connection between experiences and childhood relationships with parents and later development
      • Case study method- based on intensive study of single individuals who were in therapy. Observations detailed and recorded
        • ...but not possible to make universal claims based on psychologically abnormal individuals. Interpretations highly subjective,  lacks scientific rigour
      • Untestable concepts- Popper argues doesn’t meet scientific criteria of falsification- not open to empirical testing. Freud’s concepts occurred at an unconscious level, impossible to test
      • Practical application- Freud brought new form of therapy- psychoanalysis. Used to access unconscious e.g. hypnosis- modern day psychotherapies able to be established
        • Criticised as inappropriate or harmful for serious mental disorders e.g. schizophrenia
    • Behaviourist
      • Scientific credibility- able to bring language and methods of natural science to psychology by focusing on observable behaviour in a highly controlled lab. Emphasises importance of scientific processes. Influential in developmentof psychology- greater credibility and status
      • Real life application- OC as basis of economy system, used in places like schools, tokens exchanged for privileges (token economy). Can be used to explain phobias and OCD- treatments from behaviourism
      • Environmental determinism- behav is product or determined by enviro. Skinner- everything we do is a product of reinforcement history and free will is as illusion
    • Social learning theory
      • Practical application- Patterson et al- demonstrated importance of role models in development of antisocial behaviour- parents important. Surveys found aggressive children raised in aggressive homes with little affection
        • Parents trained to model appropriate behaviour and reward good behaviour, aggression dropped
      • Accounts for cultural differences in behaviour- learn based on social context e.g. tribe in Kalahari duster don’t value aggression, low aggression vs tribes where highly valued, high aggression
    • Humanist
      • Non reductionist- doesn’t attempt to break down experiences and behaviour into smaller components.Simple stimulus response connections;Freud described personality as a conflict with id, ego and superego. Advocates holistic unlike bio
      • Limited application- little real life application, therapy has little impact in discipline of psychology due to lacking sound evidence, loose set of abstract concepts
      • Positive approach- praised for bringing person back into psychology, prompters positive image of human condition. Freud saw human as slaves to their past vs humanists see them as all good, in control of their lives
      • Untestable concepts- vague e.g. self actualisation is difficult to assess under experimental conditions. Little evidence to support claims
      • Cultural bias- freedom, autonomy and personal growth associated with western world, collectivist cultures emphasis community- wouldn’t identity with humanist values


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