Merchant of Venice Key Ideas

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  • The Merchant of Venice character quotes
    • Shylock
      • Hatred for Xians - especially Antonio
        • Pound of flesh bond
          • 'Express'd in the condition, let the forfeit be nominated for an equal pound of flesh'
            • 'I will seal unto this bond'
          • Three thousand ducats for three months
          • Won't  take three times the 'three thousand ducats'. Only wants lb of flesh
          • Act 3:1 - ' Repetition of 'Let him look to his bond'
        • Antonio's ships fail
          • 'I'm very glad of it. I'll plague him, I'll torture him.
            • Evil
              • Pound of flesh bond
                • 'Express'd in the condition, let the forfeit be nominated for an equal pound of flesh'
                  • 'I will seal unto this bond'
                • Three thousand ducats for three months
                • Won't  take three times the 'three thousand ducats'. Only wants lb of flesh
                • Act 3:1 - ' Repetition of 'Let him look to his bond'
              • Control over Jessica
                • She finds it unbearable and leaves with Lorenzo
              • Frugal
                • 'I shall never see my gold again'
                • 'Four score ducats in one sitting! Four score ducats!
                  • She finds it unbearable and leaves with Lorenzo
      • Evil
        • Control over Jessica
          • Frugal
            • 'I shall never see my gold again'
            • 'Four score ducats in one sitting! Four score ducats!
          • Sympathy
            • Act 3:1 - 'If you ***** us do we not bleed' speech
              • Tone change. 'If you wrong us shall we not revenge'
              • Jessica leaves him and steels money
                • 'I will make fast the doors, and gild myself with some more ducats, and be with you straight.
          • Antonio
            • Homoeroticism
              • 'My purse, my person, my extremest means  Lie unlock'd to your occasions'
              • 'You shall not seal such a bond for me'
                • 'Give me your hand Bassanio'
                • I'll pay it instantly with all my heart
                • Loyal friendship
                  • 'My purse, my person, my extremest means  Lie unlock'd to your occasions'
              • Portia
                • Casket plot
                  • Unlock'd
                    • Antonio's love for Bassanio resmbles his with Portia
                  • Hidden in lead casket
                • Trial - Act 4:1
                  • Imitates to be a lawyer
                    • Take the lb  of flesh without blood


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