Antibiotics Mindmap

  • Created by: Sophie
  • Created on: 14-10-14 17:06
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  • Antibiotics
    • Dangers
      • Resistance
        • How is this caused?
        • What can we do to prevent/ stop it?
        • What problems does this make for us?
        • Examples? MRSA?
        • Could it have been avoided?
      • Side effects?
    • Research
      • How are antibiotics developed nowadays?
        • Ethics surrounding drug testing?
        • How much does it cost?
        • How long does it take?
      • Is more research into antibiotics needed?
      • Are there any alternatives to antibiotics?
    • History of development
      • Who discovered them?
      • What were the initial uses for antibiotics?
      • Were there any problems with antibiotics in the past and how were they solved?
    • Initial Question idea: Have we overused antibiotics in the past and what can we do in the future to avoid problems with antibiotics?


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