Animal studies of attachment

  • Created by: __Jess
  • Created on: 25-03-23 11:15
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  • Animal studies of attachment
    • Harlow
      • Evaluation
        • Strengths
          • Important real-world application
        • Weaknesses
          • Not very generaliseable to humans
      • Contact comfort
        • Procedure
          • Harlow reared 16 baby monkeys with two model mothers
          • In one condition, a plain wire model mother dispensed milk
          • In the other condition, a cloth covered model mother dispensed milk
        • Findings
          • The monkeys showed a preference for the cloth mother, and sought comfort from it when frightened
          • Even preferred the cloth covered mother if it didn't dispense milk
      • Maternal deprivation
        • Harlow followed the monkeys after the study, and found that they were dysfunctional
      • Critical period
        • If an attachment was not formed within 90 days, it could not be formed at all
    • Lorenz
      • Evaluation
        • Strengths
          • Supporting research
            • Regolin and Vallortigara
        • Weaknesses
          • Not very generaliseable to humans
      • Imprinting
        • Findings
          • Incubator group followed Lorenz, control group followed their mother, even when mixed together
          • Critical period
            • Imprinting must occur a few hours after birth
        • Procedure
          • Lorenz randomly divided a large clutch of goose eggs
          • Half hatched with the mother goose in their natural environment
          • Half hatched in an incubator, and the first thing they saw was Lorenz
      • Sexual imprinting
        • Birds show courtship behaviour towards whatever species they imprint on


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