And the Glory of the Lord.

Everything you could need to know.

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  • Created by: Megan:)
  • Created on: 04-02-13 17:39
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  • And the Glory of the Lord.
    • Info.
      • 1741
      • Handel
      • Baroque
      • From the Oratorio: The Messiah
    • Texture
      • Syllabic word setting (motifs 2&3 being more mellismatic)
      • Imitive entries (Bar 17 - 25)
      • Monophonic (Bar 43, 109+109)
      • 2 part counterpoint (Bar 25)
      • 4 part texture
      • Adagio, homophonic ending.
    • Structure
      • Short Intro
      • Based on 4 motifs
    • Harmony
      • Diatonic Harmony (mainly chords I and V)
      • Use of cadences and hemiolas.
    • Melody
      • Based on 4 motifs.
      • Melody passed between 4 voices.
      • Motifs used simultaneously.
      • Mellismatic and Syllabic word setting.
    • Rhythm
      • In simple triple time 3/4. Dance like time sig.
      • Uses of hemiola on approach to cadences.
      • Use of sequences.
    • Tonality
      • A major
        • Joyful, Affectionate mood.
      • Also modulates to E Major and B  Major
    • Dynamics
      • Typically Baroque - no dynamics in the music.
      • More voices = feels louder Fewer voices = feels quieter.
    • Tempo
      • Allegro (fast)
      • Last 4 bars - Adagio (grand, slow end)
    • Instrumentation
      • Violin I, Violin II, Viola, Continuo (ORGAN and cello) and SATB.
      • Orchestra often doubles the vocal line.
    • Thematic Development
      • Ideas are not developed, just restated.


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