Ancient History EPQ

  • Created by: R_S_E
  • Created on: 14-06-14 16:33
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  • Ancient History EPQ - Areas I would enjoy doing it on
    • Individuals
      • Boudica
        • Roman Britain
          • Agricola
      • Spartacus
        • Slave rebellion
        • Slave Culture in the ancient world
        • Gladiators - games in the ancient world
      • Agricola
      • Pliny
        • Vesuvius
        • Use of ancient texts in recording history
      • Ancient Historians
        • Thucydides
          • Athens
        • Xenophon
          • Athens
        • Ancient historians and their role in modern history
        • Ancient Academics
          • Socrates
            • Impact on the modern world
          • Aristotle
            • Impact on the modern world
          • Achimedes
            • Pythagorus
          • Philip II
            • Warfare
            • Macedon
          • Alexander the Great
            • Macedon
            • Warfare
          • Roman Emperors
            • Augustus
              • Pax Romana
            • Nero
            • Caligula
            • Tiberius
        • Greek Focus
          • Oracles
            • Delphi
            • Why did they consult the oracle?
          • Greek Mythology
            • Role in Greek culture?
            • In today's society?
            • Hercules
            • Pantheon
          • Athens & Sparta
            • Crisis of the Athenian Polis
            • Their relationship
            • Democracy and influence in today's society
          • Warfare
            • Trojan War
            • Wars with Persia
          • Homosexuality in ancient Greece
            • Pederastic relationships
          • Start of philosophy and acadmia
            • Ancient Greek language
        • Epic Poetry
          • Homer
            • Homeric influences in literature throughout history
              • Shakespeare
            • Does the Iliad glorify war?
        • Roman Focus
          • Era under a king and its fall
          • Pantheon
            • Were the Roman gods just extensions of the Greek gods?
          • Republic
            • Cursus Honorum
            • Fall - Octavian
          • Empire
            • SPQR
          • Roman Britain
            • Influences e.g. roads


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