Ancient Greece

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  • Ancient Greece
    • Society
      • Greece developed as a number of city-states, ruled by a range of governments.
      • It developed a wide-trading society and Greek cities became wealthy
      • It developed a cultural life including drama, arts, poetry, comedy etc.
        • They developed a phonetic form writing which was more flexible than the Egyptians.
    • Asclepius Temples
      • Ordinary people when ill would go to the Asklepion.
      • After exercising and resting patients slept the night in the abaton, the holy place of the temple where the god and his two snakes, and two daughters, Hygeia and Panacea, to heal the patients.
    • Hippocrates
      • He encouraged doctors to observe symptoms and to look for causes based on the symptoms.
        • He also encouraged them to record.
          • He encouraged record as they observed to help with their diagnosis and also to pass on knowledge to others.
      • He made the 'Hippocratic Oath' where doctors had to swear to help the ill to the best of their ability - regardless of wealth.
        • And they had to keep their findings and notes about patients confidential.
      • He and his students wrote a collection of books called the Hippocratic Collection which were then used for the next 2000 years.
      • Clinical Observation -
    • Four Humours
      • The Greek believed the world was made up of four elements.
        • The elements are Air, Fire, Water and Earth.
          • Air - Warm and moist: Spring.
            • Blood
          • Fire - Hot and dry: Summer
            • Yellow Bile
          • Water - Cold and Wet: Winter
            • Black Bile
          • Earth - Cold and dry: Autumn
            • Phlegm
        • The theory of the humors was influenced by Greek ideas about balance.
          • Medical treatments were aimed to re balance the humours and they included bleeding, purging and vomiting.
            • Purging the bowel or making the patient vomit included herbal.
        • Greek doctors noted that patients symptoms varied with seasons; heat rashes in summer, wet runny noses in winter etc.
    • Alexandria
      • Greek knowledge was stored in libraries, eventually all Greek knowledge was stored in a huge, world famous library in Alexandria.
      • Dissection  was banned, but in Alexandria there was a school of medicine where dissection was allowed at least once a year.
    • Factors
      • War: they learnt about setting broken bones and dislocated bones.
      • Individuals: Hippocrates
  • From this they deduced that the human body was made up of four liquids, referred to as 'humours': Blood, phlegm, yellow bile and black bile.
    • Greek doctors noted that patients symptoms varied with seasons; heat rashes in summer, wet runny noses in winter etc.
    • The theory of the humors was influenced by Greek ideas about balance.
      • Medical treatments were aimed to re balance the humours and they included bleeding, purging and vomiting.
        • Purging the bowel or making the patient vomit included herbal.
  • Diagnosis: when the doctor studies the symptoms of the patient.
    • Clinical Observation -
    • Prognosis: when the doctors tries to predict the course of the illness using results from previous patients that had the same symptoms.
      • Observation: when the doctor observes the patient, noting changes and comparing to their prognosis.
  • Treatment: the doctor should treat the patient once his observations have been confirmed and he feels confident.
    • Observation: when the doctor observes the patient, noting changes and comparing to their prognosis.
  • Bleeding the patient was used until the 19th century. A scratch was made in the skin and the blood was let out into a cup.
    • They became more rational in their thinking, even if they still had their Gods, but they began to think more of why things happened.
    • This would happen when the doctors were unable to heal them.
      • After exercising and resting patients slept the night in the abaton, the holy place of the temple where the god and his two snakes, and two daughters, Hygeia and Panacea, to heal the patients.
    • Public Health
      • Ancient Greece
        • Society
          • Greece developed as a number of city-states, ruled by a range of governments.
          • It developed a wide-trading society and Greek cities became wealthy
          • It developed a cultural life including drama, arts, poetry, comedy etc.
            • They developed a phonetic form writing which was more flexible than the Egyptians.
        • Asclepius Temples
          • Ordinary people when ill would go to the Asklepion.
        • Hippocrates
          • He encouraged doctors to observe symptoms and to look for causes based on the symptoms.
            • He also encouraged them to record.
              • He encouraged record as they observed to help with their diagnosis and also to pass on knowledge to others.
          • He made the 'Hippocratic Oath' where doctors had to swear to help the ill to the best of their ability - regardless of wealth.
            • And they had to keep their findings and notes about patients confidential.
          • He and his students wrote a collection of books called the Hippocratic Collection which were then used for the next 2000 years.
        • Four Humours
          • The Greek believed the world was made up of four elements.
            • The elements are Air, Fire, Water and Earth.
              • Air - Warm and moist: Spring.
                • Blood
              • Fire - Hot and dry: Summer
                • Yellow Bile
              • Water - Cold and Wet: Winter
                • Black Bile
              • Earth - Cold and dry: Autumn
                • Phlegm
        • Alexandria
          • Greek knowledge was stored in libraries, eventually all Greek knowledge was stored in a huge, world famous library in Alexandria.
          • Dissection  was banned, but in Alexandria there was a school of medicine where dissection was allowed at least once a year.
        • Factors
          • War: they learnt about setting broken bones and dislocated bones.
          • Individuals: Hippocrates
      • They had no sewers and no supplies of running water.
      • They  stayed healthy by keeping themselves at a even temperature, going for walks, cleaning their teeth, washing themselves and keeping fit.
        • This is linked to their theory of the four humours.
          • Pythagoras's theory of the balance of opposites led Greek doctors to advocate 'moderation in all things'.
    • As time this went onto being health resorts with a gym, athletics stadium and baths,


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