Act 5

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  • Act 5
    • Scene 1
      • A doctor and a gentlewoman observe lady Macbeth while she sleepwalks. the doc says he cannot help her as she needs spiritual help.
    • Scene 2
      • The english and scottish armies are to meet near birnham wood to join forces. Macbeth has fortified Dunsinane castle..
    • Scene 3
      • Macbeth is confident and Seyton confirms that there are 10,000 English soldiers. the doc tries to tell macbeth about that his wife needs spiritual help but macbeth ignores him and orders him to cure her delusions.
    • Scene 4
      • Malcolm talks with the English lord Siward and his officers about Macbeth’s plan to defend the fortified castle. They decide that each soldier should cut down a bough of the forest and carry it in front of him as they march to the castle
    • Scene 5
      • A woman’s cry is heard, and Seyton appears to tell Macbeth that the queen is dead. a messenger informs macbeth that the trees of Birnam Wood are advancing toward Dunsinane.
    • Scene 6
      • Outside the castle, the battle commences. Malcolm orders the English soldiers to throw down their boughs and draw their swords
    • Scene 7
      • On the battlefield, Macbeth  strikes those around him vigorously, insolent because no man born of woman can harm him. He slays Lord Siward’s son and disappears in the fray.
    • Scene 8
      • Macduff emerges and searches the chaos frantically for Macbeth, whom he longs to cut down personally. He dives again into the battle.
    • Scene 9
      • Malcolm and Siward emerge and enter the castle
    • Scene 10
      • Macbeth and macduff meet on the battlefield. macbeth learns that Macduff was born of c-section but will not surrender and they fight.
    • Scene 11
      • Malcom and Siward walk in the castle. Ross informs Siward of his sons death. Macduff emerges with Macbeth's head and proclaims Malcom king of Scotland


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