Abiotic and Biotic Features.

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  • Abiotic and Biotic Features.
    • Light Intensity
      • Light limits photosynthesis so will affect the distribution of plants and animals. Some plants have more chlorophyll or bigger leaves.
    • Temperature
      • Is a limiting factor on photosynthsis and growth of plants. In cold climates, plants may frreeze therefore Actic plants are small.
    • Moisture levels
      • If there is no water there will be no life. Desert areas contain little life and when water is available they are adapted to get it.
    • Soil pH and mineral content
      • Some carnivorous plants thrive  in areas of mineral deficiency as they are capable of gaining nitrates from dissolving animal proteins.
      • The level of minerals such as nitrates have a large effect on the distribution of plants.
    • Wind intensity and direction
      • Areas of strong winds affect the shape of trees and can cause plants to transpire faster.
    • Availability of oxygen
      • This has huge effect on water-living organisms.
    • Availability of Carbon Dioxide
      • This is a limiting factor of photosynthesis and affects plant growth and distribution. It can also affect distribution of some organisms.
    • Availability of food
      • Animals may starve, it can be affected by weather or drought and can sincerely affect the food chain to the point where it cna wipe out whole species.
    • New pathogens or parasites
      • Diseases whereby species are not  resistant can cause many people to die.
    • New Predators
      • New predators may cause a limited amount of the prey that they hunt. This can cause a food limitation for other predators.
    • Interspecific competition
      • Different species fighting for the same thing can, e.g. when trees in a forest grow taller then the shortest ones. They block out the sunlight and collect all the water.


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