A Christmas Carol- scrooge

  • Created by: hollys27
  • Created on: 03-11-19 11:06
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  • Scrooge
    • 'solitary as an oyster'
      • Implies that there is a change to come as this change could be the pearl within-represents scrooge opening up and warming by the end of the text
      • Scrooge shows his shell to the world and won't open up. shows that he is isolated and shut off-like and oyster when it is clamped shut.
      • Throughout the novel dickens suggests that  the qualities that make someone human is the ability to live among others and not consider material wealth as the  wealth that defines you and others. he tells the reader through using scrooge as a contrast to this idea that engaging with other human beings in all ways makes human life real- shown in the final stave 'regarded everyone with a smile'
    • 'they had better do it, and decrease they surplus population'
      • shocking, uncaring and callous-used to emphasise Scrooge's characature
      • shows that Scrooge has no empathy and needs the reformation and change given by the ghosts to join society again- the lower classes would find this especially shocking since they desperately need all help they can get.
    • 'darkness was cheap and scrooge liked it'
      • Dickens uses humour to show scrooge as a characature
      • Scrooge's attitude is set as dark - key for his transformation
      • Scrooge  cannot 'see' clearly as he doesn't let the light guide him - Scrooge is dark and unhappy and the ghosts bring him light and guide him to to the light of redemption
    • 'the shadows of the things that would have been may be dispelled'
      • the light guides you, and it and it and the ghosts guide Scrooge out of the darkness metaphorically and literaly and into the light as a part of his redemption
      • the ghosts have got rid of his shadowy future , by guiding light and hope across it
    • 'the cold within him froze his old features'
      • scrooge is compared to bad weather-only the cold inside of him affects him- the outside weather has no effect-emotionless
      • has connotations  of  being sinister , evil and is condemned by the religious readers of the time
      • Dickens chooses to depict scrooge as an old man to show to his readers that it is never too late to change
    • 'his own heart laughed'
      • happiness in the text is shown through Scrooge's change of heart
      • as Scrooge rejoices in his newly found pleasures - the reader responds warmly to him and is thankful that he has been given another chance at redemption
    • 'bah humbug'
      • This and his name is a euphemism in today's society for being mean
      • True meaning of the phrase is fraud - links to his idea that being paid for a day's work on Christmas Day is fraud


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