5.3 revenue, costs and profits

  • Created by: hanfa
  • Created on: 15-09-20 20:32
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  • 5.3 revenue, costs and profits:
    • revenue: money received from sales
      • pays for costs, measure of success determines profits, influences decision making
      • revenue=total quantity sold x price at which product is sold.
    • costs
      • total costs: the addition of total fixed and total variable costs
      • variable costs: costs that change as a result of output changing, EG. wage and material costs will increase if more products are made or sold.
      • fixed costs: costs that stay the same regardless of a change in output EG. rent for offices, shops, factories or land and the uniform business tax which is a tax based on location of the business
      • cost can be minimised by: employing tech instead of workers, finding cheaper suppliers, pay cuts.
      • reasons to minimise costs: increase costs, reduce prices, save money for expansion.
    • profits: when total revenue is higher than costs
      • cost of sales: the cost to the business of producing the goods to sell EG buying stock to sell or buying materials and employing workers to make a product.
      • expenses: the costs of operating the business, including wages and salaries, rent or mortgage payments, insurance, heating and lighting and advertising.
      • gross profit; revenue-cost of sales
        • gross profit margin= (gross profit x100)/ total revenue
      • loss; when the costs of a business are greater than the revenue it makes.
      • net profit= gross profit-expenses of operating the business.
        • net profit= (net profit x100)/ total revenue
    • average rate of return: a method of measuring and comparing the profitability of an investment over the life time of the investment
      • total revenue from the investment-cost of the investment= profit over the life of the investment
        • total profit/ life of investment (years)= average annual profit
          • (annual average profit/ cost of investment) x100= annual rate of return


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