DNA, Cell Division,

What does a gene code for?
Specific Protein
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Where is DNA found?
In nucleus of animal and plant cells, in the chromosomes
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What does DNA contain?
The instructions to put an organism together and make it work
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What is a gene?
A section of DNA which contains the instructions to make a specific protein.
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How do cells make specific proteins?
By stringing together amino acids in a particular order. Only 20 amino acids are used but they make up thousands of proteins.
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What does DNA determine?
What proteins the cell produces, which then decides what type of cell it is.
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What is DNA fingerprinting?
Cutting up a person's DNA into small sections and separating them. Every person's genetic fingerprint has a unique pattern which means you can tell people apart by comparing samples of their DNA.
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What are the two things DNA fingerprinting is used for?
Forensic science (DNA from crime scene compared with DNA from suspect) and Paternity testing (see if a man's father of a child)
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How many pairs of chromosomes does a human cell contain?
23 pairs from the 'mother' and the 'father'
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What is mitosis?
When plant and animal cells want to grow or replace cells that have been damaged
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How many new cells does mitosis produce?
2 identical cells
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What method of reproduction is used by mitosis?
Asexual reproduction
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What is a gamete?
A sex cell, egg and sperm.
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Why do gametes only have one copy of each choromosome?
So they can combine one sex cell from the 'mother' and one sex cell from the 'father' and end up with the right amount of chromosomes in body cells.
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How does sexual reproduction produce variation?
The offspring will have a mixture of two sets of chromosomes, inheriting features from both parents.
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What is the difference between meiosis and mitosis?
Meiosis is the fusion of two gametes, combing 23 chromosomes together to get a mixture of the parents in the offspring. Mitosis is to repair damaged cells.
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How many cells do you get with meiosis?
4 gametes
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Where is DNA found?


In nucleus of animal and plant cells, in the chromosomes

Card 3


What does DNA contain?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is a gene?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How do cells make specific proteins?


Preview of the front of card 5
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