AS Sociology Key terms

  • Created by: Annabelle
  • Created on: 19-05-13 13:44

AS Sociology keywords, terms, theories and theorists

11+- IQ test taken at the age of 11 to determine what sort of school you would attend under the tripartite system.


Achieved status- the allocation of a status or role of the basis of individual merit or achievement, e.g. through qualifications.

Adaptations- refers to different ways of responding to compulsory schooling.

Ageism- discrimination based upon negative stereotypes of age, usually focusing on the elderly.


-          Marxist feminists

-          Believes the family upholds capitalism by maintaining class divisions, encouraging consumerism and providing a surplus of labour.

-          Women are kept in the home because they are the ‘soaker up of ****’ which means they need to be in the home so the man can come home from work and vent to his wife so he will become pacified. This criticises Parson’s ‘warm bath theory’ by saying that it is only for men and that women being in the home is only beneficial to men.

Althusser, Louis

-          Marxist

-          Supports Bowles and Gintis’ theory of the ‘false class consciousness’.

-          Says that people would not normally accept inequality unless something convinced them it was inevitable.

-          He believes that it is not what students are taught, it’s how they are taught.

Ambiguity- the state of being open to a range of interpretations- the meaning is not clear.

Ann Oakley

·         Radical feminist

·         Gender roles are culturally determined.

·         The family is controlled by Patriarchal ideology.

·         Believes that a woman being in the home is only beneficial to men.

·         Gender roles are taught at an early age by:

·         Manipulation of appearance e.g. girls get pink dresses with bows in their hair

·         Canalisation- children get given specific toys e.g boys get action men and girls get dolls.

·         Verbal appellations e.g. ‘good girl’ and ‘bad boy’

·         Different activities e.g. girls do ballet and boys do football.

·         Solutions to this include communal living, shared responsibility and large, extended polygamous groups.

·         Believed feminine behaviour is not innate but it a result of primary socialisation.

·         Gender differences are reinforced through media stereotyping and sexist practices.

·         ‘Sociology of housework’ 1975

- studied 40 working class and 40 middle class housewives.

- It was a qualitative, overt and ethnographic study.

- It opposes Wilmot and Young’s study of the ‘symmetrical family’.

- It found out that in most households, the majority of the housework and childcare was performed by the woman.

- Middle class families tended to be more symmetrical.

- Women showed contempt at loss of identity by resentment against housework.

Anomaly- this is an odd, peculiar, or strange condition, situation, quality etc.

Ascribed status- This is an inherited status e.g. being a lord or lady because of your family. This is…


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