Burton Bushes SSSI (Ecosytems Case Study)

A detailed case study of a SSSI, Burton Bushes, and its management.

This Case Study might make a change to the ones the text book :)

  • Created by: Bethany
  • Created on: 23-12-13 15:37
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  • Burton Bushes SSSI Case Study
    • Location
      • Beverley, East Yorkshire (a small market town)
        • Burton Bushes is located on Beverley Westwood, a 600 acre pastureland. Burton Bushes itself is 26 acres.
    • What is Burton Bushes and why is it a SSSI?
      • Site Special Scientific interest - legal protection of flora (and fauna, but not as relevant in this case)
        • Prevents people planting bulbs in the Primary Woodland and disrupting the natural succession. This is vital as well-meaning people had previously planted daffodil bulbs that would not normally be found.
      • Burton Bushes is a fragment of disputed Primary Woodland. The whole of the Beverley Westwood would have once looked like Burton Bushes does now.
        • A study by Boatmen (the Beverley Civic Society) in 1971 found out that records of Burton Bushes dated back 250 years.
        • Temperate deciduous woodland (roughly 50% Oak Trees in 1971)
      • Species that indicate a 'Primary' Woodland
        • Bluebells
        • Wood Anemone
        • Wood Sorrell
        • Enchanter's nightshade
    • Management of Burton Bushes
      • Managed by pasture masters, who are freemen of Beverley, in partnership with East Riding of Yorkshire Council and Natural England.
        • Yearly report on the condition of the Primary Woodland. At last inspection everything was as it should be.
      • What has been done so far?
        • Removal of invasive sycamore trees, which are not naturally found in the woodland
          • These trees were harming the delicate balance of the primary woodland, and threatening native species.
        • Fencing off of Burton Bushes
          • Prevent the access and trampling by cattle from the Westwood.
            • These were causing issues as the cattle were trampling the delicate flora on the forest floor and disrupting the primary woodland
            • Dung was also causing unnatural fertilisation
    • How successful is the Burton Bushes SSSI?
      • Very successful as...
        • Removal of sycamores preventing species becoming invasive.
        • Fencing off of cattle resulted in increases in species indicative of Primary woodland
        • Management is very cheap. Little intervention is needed.
      • BUT...
        • People still enjoy the area. They trample some of the ground and field layers.
        • Clumps of daffodils (not normally found here) have been removed due to aesthetic value.
      • So overall..
        • A successful compromise. Allows people to enjoy the area for recreational purposes, whilst protecting its fragile ecosystem
        • The SSSI's preservation is probably helped by its location. As it is outside of the town, footfall (and consequently litter and vandalism) is not as great.


Mr A Gibson


A decent case study that you should print out and stick on the wall. It includes why, where, what and how did it go!



Bethany, I have used basically all the mindmaps you made on ecosystems! they are so good.

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