For all AS English Language students - key terminology needed for the exam

  • Created by: Laura
  • Created on: 17-05-12 15:47

1. A proper noun...

  • refers to names of people or places
  • refers to states, feelings and concepts that don
  • is an object that physically exists
1 of 8

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2. A dynamic verb is...

  • a perception, thought or speech
  • a process where there is a change in state over time
  • a process where the situation remains constant
  • a measure of how well a text fits together

3. Ellipsis is

  • the loss of letters without loss of meaning
  • the missing out of a word or words in a sentence
  • the replacing of one set of lexical items for another
  • a strict dictionary definition of a lexical item

4. Euphemisms are

  • lexical items that are similar in range of meaning and properties
  • an association of a collection of words
  • socially acceptable words/phrases used to talk about something potentially distasteful
  • harsh, to-the-point and perhaps taboo terms often used for a dark humorous effect

5. A modifier is

  • a word that qualifies the sense of a noun
  • a verb that never appears on its own
  • further information to complete the phrase
  • a word that modifies according to the context


Zach hodges


Oi Laura, you call my quiz shocking?! Pffft! Yours belongs in the toilet. With my poo. Which has blood in it. HA!



Zach Hodges is a legend, a genius, a MASTER - use of triples. How dare you insult the great man.

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