Kaiser to Fuhrer Facts

What percentage of the pre-1914 army were professional soldiers?
1 of 79
Turn out at the 1912 election?
2 of 79
How many seats did the SPD get in the 1907 elections?
Just 43, even though they got lots of votes; showing the effect of urbanisation, but also the discrepancies in the electoral system
3 of 79
1900-14: Population growth of how much in Germany?
4 of 79
How much unemployment was there in 1907?
5 of 79
How much did WWI cost Germany?
6 of 79
How many Germans were killed in WWI?
7 of 79
How many Germans demonstrated against the war in 1917?
300,000 (three times as many as protested FOR the war in 1914)
8 of 79
National Debt in 1922?
470m marks
9 of 79
During 'hyperinflation', how much did prices go up every minute?
10 of 79
After the introduction of the RENTENMARK , how many state employees had to be fired to balance the budget?
11 of 79
How many murders took place 1920-22?
376 (354 were right-wingers)
12 of 79
May 1928 Election: What percentage of seats did the Nazis win?
13 of 79
How much money in international loans did the Dawes Plan get Germany?
800m RM
14 of 79
How much support did Muller's Grand Coalition have in the Reichstag?
over 60%
15 of 79
1929 - what happened to Nazi vote in Thuringia?
It trebled, and broke the 10% barrier
16 of 79
How many signatures did the Harzburg Front's petition against the Young Plan gain?
17 of 79
By 1930, how many people were avid radio listeners?
18 of 79
By 1923 how many members did the Nazi Party have?
19 of 79
When were the Nazi Party banned, and by whom?
1932, by Bruning
20 of 79
By the end of 1929, how many members did the Nazi Party have?
21 of 79
How much money did the Industrialists donate to the Nazis?
3m RM in Jan. 1933
22 of 79
How many members did the SA have by 1933?
23 of 79
By 1932, how much of the German workforce were unemployed?
1/3 (the unemployed and their dependents made up 1/5 of the population)
24 of 79
By 1931, how many businesses had gone bankrupt?
25 of 79
In 1932, how many times did Bruning use Article 48 (rule by decree)?
26 of 79
What percentage of the vote did Hitler gain in the presidential election (1932)?
27 of 79
1930-2: How much did the Nazi vote rise by?
28 of 79
July 1932 Election: How many seats did Nazis win?
230 (became biggest party in Reichstag)
29 of 79
Nov 1932 Election: How many seats did Nazis lose?
30 of 79
How many National Elections were held during 1930-2?
31 of 79
In the March 1933 election, what percentage did the Nazi vote increase to?
43.9% (2/3 of Germany did NOT vote Nazi. They missed a majority by 40 seats)
32 of 79
How many voted for the Enabling Act? (1933)
33 of 79
By Summer 1934, how many men did the SA have?
34 of 79
During the Night of the Long Knives, approx. how many people were executed?
Anything between 77-401 people
35 of 79
How many people were in favour of Hitler's assumption of presidential powers? (Aug.1934)
90% - 38m
36 of 79
How many elites took part in the Kreisau Circle?
37 of 79
Approximately how many Germans were killed for some form of resistance?
38 of 79
How many Protestant dissidents in Prussia in 1935?
39 of 79
In one month, how many people were arrested for refusing to work?
7,408 (does this count as resistance?)
40 of 79
How many political death sentences? And how many were Communists?
32,500 in total. 20,000 Communists.
41 of 79
How many Chancellery Offices were there in Nazi Germany?
5 (main ones headed by Lammers and Bormann)
42 of 79
How many cabinet meetings per year in 1933, decreased to how many in 1939?
72 in 1933 decreased to none in 1939
43 of 79
1933-5: ** purged of how many 'undesirables'?
44 of 79
What percentage of denunciations for sterilisation came from those in the medical profession?
45 of 79
Concentration camp population by 1935?
Below 4000
46 of 79
How many members did the DAF have at its peak?
47 of 79
How much did a week's cruise for a family cost with the KDF, and how many took advantage of this offer in 1938?
£7 (10.3m used in 1938)
48 of 79
How much money raised for 1933 'Winter Aid Programme' through 'voluntary' donations?
338m RM
49 of 79
How many children born through 'Lebensborn'?
50 of 79
How many members did the Hitler Youth have in 1939?
51 of 79
Niemoller's Confessional Church (1934) - how many pastors supported this?
Anything between 7000 - 17000
52 of 79
How many sterilised in total?
53 of 79
How many children euthanised through Aktion T4?
54 of 79
What percentage of the population were members of the German Faith Movement?
55 of 79
How many servicemen killed 1944-5?
56 of 79
How many involved in forced labour?
57 of 79
Meat ration dropped by what percentage after what?
After five months fighting in Russia, meat ration dropped by up to 80%
58 of 79
When was a 60 hour working week introduced?
59 of 79
How many Eastern Germans became refugees?
60 of 79
How many killed through bombing?
300,000 killed in Germany
61 of 79
How many left homeless by bombing?
7m (3m homes destroyed)
62 of 79
Death sentences in ordinary courts 1939 and 1944?
1939 - 139, 1944 - over 4000
63 of 79
How many Germans said bombing was the hardest part of the war for civilians?
64 of 79
1942: how much was bread allowance cut by?
65 of 79
1936: unemployment reduced to how much?
66 of 79
Government expenditure increased by how much? (1933-6)
67 of 79
MEFO Bills = By 1937, how much had government paid out?
12 billion marks worth
68 of 79
During the war, by what percentage did civilian consumption decline?
69 of 79
After Speer, Ammunition production up by what percentage?
70 of 79
...And weaponry up by what percentage?
71 of 79
By 1944, how much had production increased from 1942?
72 of 79
1941 - what percentage of the workforced were involved in war related products?
73 of 79
How many Austrian Jews forced to emigrate?
74 of 79
1941 - How many Jews euthanised?
93,300 approx.
75 of 79
1941-2: how many Russian Jews shot by Einsatzgruppen?
76 of 79
How many Jews killed at Auschwitz and Treblinka?
Auschwitz = 1.5m, Treblinka = 870,000
77 of 79
Madagascar Plan proposed for how many Jews to be moved?
78 of 79
How many Communist members were arrested after Reichstag Fire?
79 of 79

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Turn out at the 1912 election?



Card 3


How many seats did the SPD get in the 1907 elections?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


1900-14: Population growth of how much in Germany?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How much unemployment was there in 1907?


Preview of the front of card 5
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