Key Words: GEOLOGY UNIT 1.1


The Solar System - the Sun, Planets, their moons, comets and asteroids

The Sun - a star composed of hydrogen and helium. The largest object in the Solar system and contains more than 99.8% of the total mass

Planet - a sizeable object orbiting a star

Moon - a natural satelite orbiting a planet

Asteroids - a rocky object which failed to form a planet

Meteorites - fragments of rock which fall to Earth from space

Comet - composed of ice and dust. The outer layer melts into water vapour as it gets closer to the sun

Terrestrial planets - Earth-like planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars)

Gas Giants - Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune

Rheid - a solid material that flows

Peridotite - a ultramafic igneous rock composed of the minerals olivine and pyroxene with a coarse crystal size

Olivine - a dense, ferromagnesian silicate mineral

Partial melting - where a proportion of the minerals will have a lower melting point, allowing them to melt while the rest remains solid

Geothermal gradient - the rate of increase in temperature per unit depth in the Earth

Kimberlites -


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