Yueng Lenn Practice questions


1. The energy in ocean waves depends on the wave height. Which of the following statements is true?

  • The energy depends on the square of the wave height
  • The energy depends on the logarithm of the wave height
  • The energy is proportional to the wave height
  • The energy depends on the square root of the wave height
1 of 15

Other questions in this quiz

2. In the Strait of Gibraltar there is also a deep flow of water out of the Mediterranean into the Atlantic. If the surface inflow is 4 Sverdrups and salinity 30, and the bottom outflow is 3 Sverdrups, what must be its salinity to maintain a salt balanc

  • 40
  • 30
  • 35
  • 45

3. What volume of the iceberg will therefore be visible above the ocean surface?

  • 56m3
  • 0.17m3
  • 1m3
  • None

4. 8) Densest water is found at the bottom of the ocean. If cold water lies on top of warm it will sink – a process called convection. The atmosphere actually gets colder as you go up, so cold air lies on top of warm. Why doesn’t the cold air sink?

  • As you go up, the air becomes less dense because the pressure decreases. This counteracts the effect of the cooling
  • The air is too light so it cannot sink
  • Because of the spin of the earth - the Coriolis effect
  • The pressure of the air below holds it up

5. You are standing in the centre of a Merry-go-round which is turning in an anticlockwise sense. If you walk away from the centre, which sort of deflecting force will you feel?

  • Towards the centre
  • One towards the right
  • Towards the edge
  • One towards the left


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