Wicked- Defying gravity GCSE quiz!

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  • Created by: evmip
  • Created on: 02-04-19 15:28
Who wrote Defying Gravity?
Stephen Schwartz
1 of 25
What is the context of defying gravity?
it comes just before the end of the first act, Elphaba has decided to follow her own destiny and fight against the wizard of Oz and she found out that he was plotting against his citizens.
2 of 25
What is a leitmotif?
A phrase of a piece of music that represents a particular character, place or emotion.
3 of 25
What structure is the piece in?
Verse-Chorus (intro, interlude one, verse one, chorus one, verse two, chorus two, interlude two, chorus 3, repeat of into (different accompaniment) , verse 3, chorus 4, coda
4 of 25
what are the leitmotifs used?
1) The unlimited theme: uses the first seven notes from somewhere over the rainbow
5 of 25
what is the orchestration
Full orchestra with added guitar
6 of 25
what is the texture at the start?
7 of 25
what are the harmonic devices used?
Suspended Chords, Perfect Cadence ,Interrupted Cadence, Plagal Cadence leads to dramatic ending, Cirlce of 5ths (69-70), Pedal Note, Triad chords
8 of 25
What melodic devices are used by the singers?
Scalic descent (101) , Sprechgasang vocals (Speak-singing)
9 of 25
Are there tempo changes In this piece?
10 of 25
Is there use of a drone
11 of 25
How is the anger of the opening portrayed?
the lyrics are punctuated by sharp short chords
12 of 25
What is the metre like in the first verse and what does this show?
The metre is unclear, showing how she is shaken by the recent events.
13 of 25
What accompaniment is there in this section
Tremolo strings
14 of 25
What leap is there in the sung melody on the line "close my eyes and leap?". What musical device is this?
perfect fifth, word painting
15 of 25
is the piece syllabic or not, what does this do?
its syllabic, this makes the music feel more urgent
16 of 25
Is the piece mainly conjunct or disjunct?
Disjunct, again adding to the sense of urgency
17 of 25
what is the string teqnique used on "Id sooner buy. defying gravity
18 of 25
whats the string teqnique used on 'Come with me"
19 of 25
whats the interval between the Un and Li in unlimited
octave (perfect)
20 of 25
What is the tonality of the unlimited section?
21 of 25
What is the main texture
22 of 25
What is the texture in the final section
23 of 25
Are the singers melodies syllabic or not
24 of 25
Are the sung melodies mainly conjunct or disjunct
mainly Disjunct melodies
25 of 25

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is the context of defying gravity?


it comes just before the end of the first act, Elphaba has decided to follow her own destiny and fight against the wizard of Oz and she found out that he was plotting against his citizens.

Card 3


What is a leitmotif?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What structure is the piece in?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what are the leitmotifs used?


Preview of the front of card 5
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