Why did America win the war?


1. Which phrase is most associated with 'German Americans'? (and why)

  • Pressure applied on government- There were more Germans living in New York than Hamburg putting pressure on the government to not go to war
  • Pressure applied on government- People wanted to get rid of the German Americans fro New York
  • Spies- A term used for American spies living in Germany
  • Spies- A term used for German spies living in America
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2. Which phrase is most associated with '1916'? (and why)

  • Spanish-American War- This was the date that American went to war with Spain
  • War- This was the year that World War One ended
  • 'He kept us out of the war'- Slogan used by Wilson to get into power in this year
  • Belguim- This was the year Belguim was invaded by Germany

3. Which phrase is most associated with 'Unrestricted Submarine Warfare'? (and why)

  • Mexico- They were the first country to use this tactic
  • Luisitania- This was a boat sunk by German U-boats, using this tactic in which 120 Americans died
  • TAN- This tactic was used to regain the states of Texas, Arizona and New Mexico
  • Luisitania- This was the name of the first submarine to use this tactic

4. Which phrase is most associated with 'Wilson changes his mind'? (and why)

  • A world safe for democracy- This was Wilson's reasoning for joining the war
  • TAN- Wilson decided to give Mexico back the states of Texas, Arizona and New Mexico
  • Sandwiches- Wilson chose to have ham in his sandwich instead of cheese
  • Germany- Wilson decides to side with Germany over Britain

5. Which phrase is most associated with 'Spanish American War'? (and why)

  • 'A world safe for democracy'- was the campaign slogan for this war
  • Atlantic Ocean- This was the area of ocean that Spain and American were fighting over
  • 1898- This was the year the war started and was one of only few war American got into after the civil war
  • Luisitania- This was a boat used by the Americans to invade Spain during this war


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