Other questions in this quiz

2. What do shifting weather patterns threaten the most due to drought, flooding and forest fires?

  • Infrastructure
  • The sea
  • Food production
  • Animals

3. What is the name of the 13th Sustainable Development Goal?

  • Life on Land
  • Climate Action
  • Affordable & Clean Energy
  • Sustainable Cities & Communities

4. What are the Sustainable Development Goals?

  • 16 targets set by the United Nations including ending poverty, reducing inequality and tackling climate change.
  • 12 targets set by the United Nations including ending poverty, reducing inequality and tackling climate change.
  • 17 targets set by the United Nations including ending poverty, reducing inequality and tackling climate change
  • 18 targets set by the United Nations including ending poverty, reducing inequality and tackling climate change.

5. What's the result of deforestation and large-scale agriculture ?

  • Extinction
  • Loss of biodiversity and habitat destruction
  • Monocultures
  • Increased pesticides


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